View of ManjalDimbi Mountain on Kubirriwarra Estate
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  • © 2025 Kubirriwarra Yalanji Aboriginal Corporation. All rights reserved. 0

Kubirriwarra YalanjiAboriginal Corporation

Celebrating and Maintaining Cultural Ways of Being

Nganjin Bundanday Bubungu Nganjinawunbu Jawunkarrandamunbu,Nganjin Kuku Yalanji
- We sit in the home of our ancestors, we are Kuku Yalanji.
On behalf of the Kubirriwarra Yalanji Aboriginal Corporation, our Elders and Members, I welcome you to Yalanji Bubu. My name is John Davis Hartley. I'm Yalanji Bama of the Kubirri Clan from the Mossman/Port Douglas area in North Queensland. I live in Mossman and serve as the current chairperson of our Corporation.

I’ve spent my time learning of the importance of our cultural ways of being, and advocating to ensure our cultural rights and interests are recognised and protected. I have experience in organising community events and workshops about the significance of our cultural ways and wellbeing, and of the continuing impacts and effects of colonial violence upon First Peoples and Country. I’ve spoken at forums on the critical need to pursue our cultural benchmarks and develop our own cultural responses to the colonial continuum.

I very much continue to enjoy learning from Elders, painting up stories, making artefacts, rekindling songs in language and dances for country. I support human rights, fairness, and the rights of nature, looking after our country and waterways.

Our culture and country is alive and full of stories. Kubirriwarra will endeavour to ensure it stays this way for our young and future generations.


John Davis Hartley
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2017 - Kubirri Storybook and ebook Published

2018 - Kuku Yalanji language iniative

2023 - Country - Story - People Exhibition and Ceremony

2024 - Yalangkurr Wellbeing Centre Campaign Launch
We are fundraising to build the Yalangkurr Cultural Well Being Centre. For more information click here
We are focused on securing land, vital to our Way of Being, and offering programs which enhance wellbeing and cultural connection. Our future plans include the establishment of the Yalangkurr Wellbeing Centre and creating social enterprises that offer meaningful work to our people, ensuring our long-term sustainability.

Our Story

Established in 2020, the Kubirriwarra Yalanji Aboriginal Corporation was born out of a desire to safeguard the Yalanji people's heritage. Our journey began with a vision to create a space where our culture could be nurtured and celebrated, leading to the successful launch of our first major project, "Country, Story, People," in 2023.

Our Mission & Vision

Our mission is to empower Yalanji Bama through cultural continuance, supporting our families, and fostering a deep respect and connection to Bubu. We envision a future where our young are culturally grounded and secure in their language and identity, equipped with the knowledge, values, practices and strength of their ancestors, where they not only thrive spiritually and culturally, but are successful in both their academic pursuits and career vocations.

Our Projects & Initiatives

At the heart of our work is the Yalangkurr Cultural Wellbeing Centre, a place where our cultural practices are nurtured and shared. We are also focused on securing land, vital to our Way of Being, and creating social enterprises that offer meaningful work to our people, ensuring our long-term sustainability.

Learn more about our maintenance of living culture

Background Photo by David Clode on Unsplash
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If you would like to assist us in promoting our fundraising campaign please feel free to copy our Friends of Yalangkurr logo and share  around your networks,  Thank you
KYAC Gift Fund submits annual reports and governing documents to the Office of the Registrar of Indigenous Corporations (ORIC) as well as notifies them of any changes. This satisfies the charity's reporting and notification obligations to the ACNC.
Kubirriwarra Yalanji Aboriginal Corporation
ICN: 9206, ABN:9345 789 3388
Registered with the Office of the Registrar of Indigenous Corporations (ORIC)
Established 7/7/2020
Registered with the Australian Not-for-Profit and Charities Commission (A.C.N.C.)

Registered as a charity with the State of Queensland CH4796264

Registered for DGR with the Australian Tax Office as a Public Benevolent Institution
Item 1, Section 30-15 of the Income Tax Act 1997
30 Middlemiss St,
Mossman 4873 Qld.
[email protected]
Phone: 0479 136 345
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