Changing the world, one site at a time…
View of ManjalDimbi Mountain on Kubirriwarra Estate
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  • © 2025 Kubirriwarra Yalanji Aboriginal Corporation. All rights reserved. 0

Strategic Plan2024-2029

Yundu binal yundu wanjabu janay— kaki yundu ngujakuramunbu janay


I have been fortunate to have had experience in promoting and advocating health and well-being through Cultural ways of being having had the opportunity to learn and travel extensively through- out Australia and overseas with First Peoples. This has affirmed my view that relationship with Country and connection to Culture through our ancestral values, beliefs, and practices is of paramount importance for First Peoples.

Current issues relating to our ecology and social systems have increasingly focussed our attention on the protection, restoration and regeneration of Country through First Peoples ways of doing. It is our view that our clan needs to maintain our Law/ Lore and rekindle our Ancestral ways of Being while at the same time evolving and adapting in culturally accountable ways to meet the challenges of an increasingly fast-paced, dis-connected extractive and imbalanced world.

Of particular importance is our cultural wellbeing which is interrelated and interconnected to the health of our Country, our Waterways, and Skies. It is vital to our spiritual wellbeing and continuance that our Stories, Songs, Dances and Sacred sites are protected and maintained for future generations.
Access to Country, self-determination, and active custodianship is essential if we are to begin to assist our mother-earth in restoring the balance and well- being of both Country and People and to this end, we are in the process of developing a major fund- raising effort to purchase land and establish the Yalangkurr Cultural Wellbeing Centre.
It is vital to our spiritual wellbeing and continuance that our Stories, Songs, Dances and Sacred sites are maintained. I have been fortunate to have had experience in promoting and advocating health and well-being through Cultural ways of being having had the opportunity to learn and travel extensively through- out Australia and overseas with First Peoples. This has affirmed my view that relationship with Country and connection to Culture through our ancestral values, beliefs, and practices is of paramount importance for First Peoples.
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Bubu bambayku– Bama bambayku
Country sick-People sick

This will be the primary focus of our efforts over the next five years. Of course, our ongoing work of nurturing, caring for and supporting each other along with our work in addressing matters such as, Native Title rights and interest, Treaty, and Social Compacts and Self-determining our future whilst upholding Human Rights, the Rights of Nature and Peaceful co- existence will continue
This plan has been designed to support and nurture country, clan , and nation, to meet the challenges of the next 5 years, In closing, I'd like to thank our Kubirri Elders for their continued guidance and counsel and all Kubirri clan members for their ongoing support.

In Spirit,

John B Hartley

KYAC Gift Fund submits annual reports and governing documents to the Office of the Registrar of Indigenous Corporations (ORIC) as well as notifies them of any changes. This satisfies the charity's reporting and notification obligations to the ACNC.
Kubirriwarra Yalanji Aboriginal Corporation
ICN: 9206, ABN:9345 789 3388
Registered with the Office of the Registrar of Indigenous Corporations (ORIC)
Established 7/7/2020
Registered with the Australian Not-for-Profit and Charities Commission (A.C.N.C.)

Registered as a charity with the State of Queensland CH4796264

Registered for DGR with the Australian Tax Office as a Public Benevolent Institution
Item 1, Section 30-15 of the Income Tax Act 1997
30 Middlemiss St,
Mossman 4873 Qld.
[email protected]
Phone: 0479 136 345
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